"Journey Of Dreams," a documentary about acclaimed 1990s band Morphine, arrives on DVD 10/21 and VOD 10/18.
A special showing will take place in Los Angeles on 10/19:
7:30 PM @ Hotel Cafe - Film Screening
9:15 PM @ Hotel Cafe - Vapors Of Morphine performance
The Boston "low rock" trio Morphine rose through the international music scene in the Nineties, going from local small clubs to indie and major label record deals and packed shows until their untimely demise. The film is the definitive, in-depth tale of this unique musical act's compelling career and life together and their resonant musical creativity.
Journey of Dreams doesn't just get behind the music but inside the band as its story is primarily told by the trio's surviving members, saxophonist Dana Colley and drummers Billy Conway and Jerome Dupree plus the close-knit familial coterie that worked with them as well as late singer/bassist Mark Sandman's girlfriend Sabine Hrechdakian.
It's punctuated by incisive commentary and observations from such friends and admirers of the group as Henry Rollins, Joe Strummer and Steve Berlin of Los Lobos. A wealth of live performance footage was gathered from across Morphine's career, with road experiences, as Colley reads from his tour diaries at key points in the film as well as through his accompanying Polaroid pictures and Super 8 films.
Journey of Dreams is not just a tale of music business struggle, triumph and tragedy, but also a love story - among its members and team as well as Sandman and Hrechdakian - as well as an adventure, drama and travelogue.
Winner of:
- Best Music Documentary @ Doc'N Roll Festival 2015
- Audience Choice Best Feature Award @ Indy Film Fest 2015
- Best Music Documentary @ Grossman Festival 2015
- Special Jury Mention @ DORF Festival 2015
The DVD can be ordered now at the MVD Shop or on Amazon.
Website: http://www.morphinemovie.com/
A special showing will take place in Los Angeles on 10/19:
7:30 PM @ Hotel Cafe - Film Screening
9:15 PM @ Hotel Cafe - Vapors Of Morphine performance
The Boston "low rock" trio Morphine rose through the international music scene in the Nineties, going from local small clubs to indie and major label record deals and packed shows until their untimely demise. The film is the definitive, in-depth tale of this unique musical act's compelling career and life together and their resonant musical creativity.
Journey of Dreams doesn't just get behind the music but inside the band as its story is primarily told by the trio's surviving members, saxophonist Dana Colley and drummers Billy Conway and Jerome Dupree plus the close-knit familial coterie that worked with them as well as late singer/bassist Mark Sandman's girlfriend Sabine Hrechdakian.
It's punctuated by incisive commentary and observations from such friends and admirers of the group as Henry Rollins, Joe Strummer and Steve Berlin of Los Lobos. A wealth of live performance footage was gathered from across Morphine's career, with road experiences, as Colley reads from his tour diaries at key points in the film as well as through his accompanying Polaroid pictures and Super 8 films.
Journey of Dreams is not just a tale of music business struggle, triumph and tragedy, but also a love story - among its members and team as well as Sandman and Hrechdakian - as well as an adventure, drama and travelogue.
Winner of:
- Best Music Documentary @ Doc'N Roll Festival 2015
- Audience Choice Best Feature Award @ Indy Film Fest 2015
- Best Music Documentary @ Grossman Festival 2015
- Special Jury Mention @ DORF Festival 2015
The DVD can be ordered now at the MVD Shop or on Amazon.
Website: http://www.morphinemovie.com/